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Our Global Faculty

Learn from Humble, Caring, and Globally Experienced Faculty and Consultants with A Rich History of Successful Engagements

World-Class Faculty

Based on shared values, faculty members proactively engage in the same personal development process as our learners. Rather than attending an isolated workshop from time to time, our faculty also benefit from a systemically driven development process in order to deepen their shared ambitions to further develop multiple intelligences and weave systemic learning into education.

Find Out More About Some of Our Renowned Global Faculty Members


Carlo Aversa

Industry Expert

Greg Campbell

Gregory Campbell

Chief of Developing You

John Elmer

Chief Learning Officer

Thomas Grisham

Chief of Creativity

Igor Gvozdanovic

Chief Talent Developer

Luke Allan

Chief Builder

Don Iannone

Director of Regional Development

Mysoon A. Otoum

Hybrid Higher Education Expert

Cora Pettipas

Global Wealth Expert - SME

Francis Piron

Chief Mission Officer

Lloyd Williams

Chief Academic Officer

Jeffery Ray

Chief of Management Practices

Kathy Cox

Chief Innovative Team Builder

Dahiru Sani

Vice President, Executive Education (Africa)

Alejandro C. Arroyo Welbers

Chief of Global Operations Optimization

Dr. Bruce R. Stetar

Bruce Stetar

Accreditation Expert

Ted Sun

President & Chief Innovations Officer

Steven Tippins

Chief Integration Officer

Amb. Geoffrey VanderPal

Chief Finance Professor

Khaled El Merachli

Thought Leader

Faculty Recruitment

To attract the ideal faculty to TU, the following recruitment process approaches hiring practices from a leadership perspective that balances the technical requirements. The process starts with a unique set of documents that requires critical thought including a passion statement, values statement, and leadership and teaching philosophy of potential faculty. Upon receipt of these documents, TUwill determine the appropriate alignment of these statements with TU’s principles. If there is an alignment, the prospective faculty member submits the holistic references that not only include academic references, but also professional engagements. No faculty within TU is a pure academician; all faculty will have proactive consulting engagements and businesses that enable them to test their theories and understanding of the business world in the current global environment. One key foundation for TU is to have a global faculty members that practice what they teach in the international business arena.

We at Transcontinental University continue to look for passionate, humble and open minded educators who are interested in joining our learning organization.

If you have an interest in exploring your potentials as a member of the faculty with TU, submit an email with the following to

  1. CV
  2. Cover letter
  3. Values statement
  4. Leadership & Teaching philosophy statements

Teaching Qualification Standards

Our hiring criteria place value on both the standard technical expertise perspective, and the human perspective, requiring humility and integrity with an open mind. As a starting point, the minimum teaching qualification standards at TU are as follows:

  • A terminal degree in business or related field from an accredited institution (AACSB, ACBPS, ENQA, etc.).
  • 5 years of experience in higher education
  • 2 scholarly books and/or 4 scholarly journal publications
  • 5 years of international experience with multiple cultures in at least 2 different continents
  • Current entrepreneurship engagements
  • 3 years of proven success as a leader
  • Aligned core values, leadership philosophy, and teaching philosophy with TU

Equal Opportunity Hiring and Racially Nondiscriminatory Policy

TU practices equal opportunity hiring that is clear, fair, and transparent to all who apply and work within the University. All qualified applications will receive consideration without regard to race, color, age, gender, national origin, sexual orientation, religion, marital status or any other basis protected by Ohio laws. This policy is applicable to all aspects of one’s employment including hiring, promotion, compensation, benefits, and termination.

All applicants, regardless of faculty or staff positions, who make the initial contact are treated with dignity and respect. They are provided the faculty attraction process and are well informed as they progress through the process. All hires will be assessed in two areas:

  1. Alignment of core values, and
  2. Alignment between organizational needs for a specific position and individual skill set and passion.

As part of the transparency and social responsibility, TU also is willing to offer assessment outcomes of any applicant during the process for their own personal development purposes.

TU prohibits discrimination, including harassment and retaliation, by faculty/staff, learners, and agents of TU, towards an individual based age, religion, gender, race, sexual preference, gender identity or genetic information, and ethnicity or national origin.

Conditions of Employment

Faculty and staff maintain employment based upon annual contractual obligation. The conditions of salary rates and duties are outlined in the contracts. Renewal of contractual employment is authorized by the Board of Directors, based upon annual assessments conducted by respective Department Chair and approved by the Chief Academic Officer. Department Chairs and all non-academic staff contract renewal is authorized by the direct line of management.

Individuals with interest in non-faculty staff, may send an email stating general interests to TU using the “Contact” link.  Requirements for any current or potential openings will be relayed by email.