Corporate Solutions
Need a New Approach to overcome increasingly complex challenges?
You Deserve Solutions
With its core competence in educational psychology, people systems, and consulting, Transcontinental University’s approach to overcoming business challenges combines the best of consulting and education into one comprehensive solution. This holistic approach ensures that current business problems are addressed while the leaders of the organization are developed and empowered to prevent future problems. It goes well beyond the traditional linear approach of problem-solving to innovate systemic approaches.
*We guarantee the results of the solution as long as participants maintain a 90% integrity index.
Organizational Assessments
To reach your goals, organizations need to know where they are at from its people perspective. Our systemic organizational assessments include:
- Operational capacity
- Mental readiness
- Current talent inventory
- Organizational Stress
- Strategic & structure alignment
- Leadership capabilities
- Organizational culture
- Continuing learning system
Based on the findings, strategic initiatives are built with full awareness of organizational capabilities.
Program design & Implementation
Our 5-phase system ensures the success of customized solutions for any organization. Leveraging the collective wisdom of our global faculty and your organization, business challenges are addressed, and systems are implemented to prevent future problems from happening.

Phase 1:
Our team works with your organization to explore the systemic nature of challenges. This includes business and people assessments.

Phase 2:
Building on our global experiences, we design the solution to address your organization’s current challenges and future needs. The solution will always involve a learning framework that empowers your leaders to drive innovation.

Phase 3:
Learning & Application
Custom solutions can vary in length, whether it is a 3-month engagement with executives or a partnership with a blend of online learning, on-site explorations, and executive coaching over a 14-months period. Based on the solution, you will see innovative actions taking place throughout the program that makes a profound difference.

Phase 4:
Feedback Loops
Learning does not happen without effective feedback loops at the individual, team, and organizational levels. All custom solutions will have timely feedback loops to stay ahead of the curve and predict successful outcomes.

Phase 5:
Systemic Interventions Design
Once systemic learning and development build the foundational knowledge, skills, and intelligence of your leaders, they begin to design multiple systems to work in concert, which ensures sustained success.
Unique Consulting and Development Programs
Each of Transcontinental’s modules is based on latest research, theories and most importantly, on practical experiences of global experts. Depending on the needs of your organization, any one or more of our academic modules can be tailored and designed for your company as a strategic intervention to address an identified challenge based on the findings of our systemic organizational analysis conducted by a team of experts. Our learning processes, infused into real world problems, creates profound solutions that are sustainable and systemic aimed at providing the empowerment necessary for your leaders to create systemic solutions, rather than temporary band aids. Find out more about our customizable programs.
Lunch and Solve
Do you have workplace problems?
Don’t have time to research solutions?
Want some practical help from experts?
Try our Lunch & Solve to get practical solutions for your business challenges. Free to try!
Some examples of past customized programs:
Reimagining Leadership: Traverse, transform, and thrive | The program develops the individual leader’s thought processes and behaviors, while creating powerful organizational processes that maximizes innovation, talent retention, and productivity across the organization. |
Remote Management and Leadership | A customized skills development program for the remote workplace with 11 specific remote management skills |
Burnout Prevention | Enhancing organizational systems and processes to promote emotional wellbeing |
EQ Leadership: Mastering Emotional Intelligence | Creating emotionally intelligent people and business processes |
Designing Innovation | Implement the 3 keys to unleashing the creative potential in each employee, pivoting points for a complex environment |
Employee Connectedness Amidst Remote Workplace | Building belonging in a remote Environment while maximizing productivity |
Cultural Leadership | This program helps leaders develop the skills and processes required to identify different cultures within their stakeholder groups, and efficiently obtain unique needs from each of the groups. |
Maximizing Productivity in the Post Pandemic Workplace | Productivity in most companies have ample room for improvement. Especially in a demanding competitive environment, leaders have realized the potential of holding people accountable to output, rather than manage them by time in the office. This program helps leaders implement a foundational structure for high performance and resilience. |
InspireInnovate: Empowering Employee Excellence | The current talent shortage challenges leaders to explore innovative approaches to talent retention and employee engagement. Leveraging the employee engagement data, the program empowers leaders to create systemic solutions that keep employees engaged, innovative, and inspired. |
StressMastery: Leading Organizational Well-Being | Developing a proactive awareness of stress levels and addressing the root cause of various types of stress across the entire organization. |
LearnForward: Transformative Learning Systems | Getting out of the trap of forgettable learning and into a systems approach to learning and development. This program revitalizes learning processes and creates a clear ROI for all learning initiatives. |
Transformational Executive Retreat | Revising strategic planning processes to thrive after a global pandemic |
Performance management & Organizational Learning | Understanding the traps of latent measures within traditional performance management and designing a learning organization |
Visionary Leadership: Pathways to a Brighter Future in Strategic Planning | Developing the strategic thinking skills of leaders and creating the most powerful strategic plan. A plan with leading metrics that maximizes success. |
Keys to Effective Succession Planning | Designing organizational systems to ensure the right people have the skills and intelligence to lead your organization to its fullest potential |
Profound Public Speaking: Leading with Collaborative Communication | Empowering leaders to be the most memorable and inspiring public speakers while providing them with tools for collaborative communication that drives innovation |
Note: These development interventions are never delivered as generic content given to multiple clients. Within our development philosophy and unforgettable educational model, we always customize a unique intervention to your organization with measurable results.
2) Executive MBA – Solving problems while developing talent
Imagine an employee development initiative that allows your managers to be enrolled together in the same Executive MBA program, at your location of choice, with unique access to the knowledge base and practicum of global experts to solve your organization’s most challenging problems, enabling your employees to strategically implement practical and innovative ideas into your workplace with measurable results. Transcontinental University has developed an approach to corporate education that is focused on fostering a coordinated effort to developing your employees which is in line with your company’s bottom-line while enhancing employee engagement and loyalty.
Transcontinental’s education model is framed around your business to not only to create solutions on paper, but to implement them efficiently and effectively. Especially in an increasingly complex workplace, the psychology of employees have changed drastically. You need leaders who have the following:
- Higher emotional intelligence to motivate employees away from worries of the pandemic
- Ability to think systemically and enhance existing processes and systems
- A mentality of proactive strategies, not just be reactive waiting for a problem to happen
This is the first program of its kind!
Designed to help you LEAD in an increasingly complex environment.
Choose to empower your potential leaders with a program tailored for a group of managers simultaneously, delivered at your location and customized to your organizational needs. Contact us for more information on cost-effective development while achieving measurable results, GUARANTEED*!!!
*Guarantee is valid as long as participants maintain a 90% or higher integrity score.