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A PhD program Designed Specifically for Ghana

4 Reaons to Enroll Today

Reason #1: Enormous Flexibility

Online education requires a very different approach to developing the future scholars. Unfortunately, most universities force working professionals into rigid structures. At Transcontinental University, we understand the challenges facing the Ghanaian aspiring scholars.  After working with hundreds of doctoral students, we have designed ample flexibility:

  • Meaningful: Personalized learning experience between you and the professor 
  • Life Balance: You design the schedule that fits your needs, balancing work, personal and academics
  • Empowerment: Your passion and ideas are supported through the dissertation research, not driven by professors

Reason #2: Go beyond the regurgitation of theory

The current challenging times highlight the ineffectiveness of many theories in practice across every nation.  When we look at most universities in Ghana, they continue to use Western theories and textbooks in almost every program. This is one of the primary barriers for Ghana’s development as a leader for Africa. 

Transcontinental University is specifically designed for critically assessing existing theories and creating new theories. We see a nation full of potential, ready to lead the rest of Africa with authentic theories that mirror the cultural values of the nation.

Let’s create ground breaking theories so that our children will have Ghanaian  theories and textbooks to learn from! 

Reason #3: Our Innovative Educational Model

A global academic knowledge base

+ Grounded Theory Research Skills

+ Individualized Development System    =

Profound Theories Created and Your Intelligences Enhanced

Reason #4: Affordability

We understand the challenges facing Ghana and have significantly reduced the tuition for Ghanaian aspiring scholars.  Thanks to the support of many notable Ghanaian scholars, the tuition is reduced by nearly 50% from the regular tuition in developed nations. Two unique brands with government recognition:

Transcontinental University (US)

Tuition for the Online program: $19,685

Transcontinental Institute of Higher Education (EU)

Tuition for the Online program: $17,685 

Doctoral Residencies and Payment plans avialable.

Enroll today in our NAB recognized programs today!

Enroll Today And Be the Leader Ghana Needs

Call: 0542628463

